Lucas Denney

Who is Luke?

Luke, one of three boys, was born and raised in Fort Worth Texas. A sportsman who loved baseball and football, after high school, he went on to work as a detention officer at Mansfield Law Enforcement Center.

Luke joined the Army in 2003. He served from 2003-2007. He was a military MP in the Army and in 2005 was deployed to Iraq. During his tour he was injured in a Hum-Vee accident which left him 100% disabled. He also was diagnosed with PTSD for which he takes medication.

Despite injury, Luke has never stopped working to better his community. During the 2016 floods in Houston he and friends helped rescue several people and their animals. He also adopted 2 horses who's owner could not be found. He and his son also did lawn care and cleaning up for the elderly in his neighborhood.

Luke and friends helped rebuild a bobcat rescue center in Ft. Worth.

During the Texas freeze in 2021 he and friends cut firewood for people who had no other way of heating their homes.

In late 2021 at the request of several ranchers on the Texas/Mexico border Luke and few friends helped fix fences and picked up trash left by trespassers crossing ranchers’ land.

A devoted family man, Luke has two children and the entire family attend the Cross Roads Christian Church. During his free time, he helps on his father’s ranch, rides horses, camps, fishes and enjoys wood and leather craft.

Case Basics

Update pending

Case Link

Update pending


Legal fees to defend Luke are estimated to be in excess of $150,000.00, if the case goes to trial. The lawyers working with the January 6 Legal Defense Fund are providing services to Lucas at a reduced rate, because of their passion for the Constitution and concern over the treatment and abuse of Americans who were simply exercising their rights to protest. Currently we are raising money for the pre-trial and research portion of the process and are seeking $50,000.00 to cover Lucas’s pre-trial expenses. Please consider donating to help defend Luke.